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PADI courses


First steps

PADI SCUBA DIVER is a course designed for beginners who, for various reasons, have not decided to undergo full training for the basic level of OPEN WATER DIVER. This course is recommended especially for children and people who are not yet sure whether they want to obtain a license to dive without an instructor’s supervision.

The PADI SCUBA DIVER course lasts two days and includes pool exercises, theory (reading a book, watching a training video, solving quizzes), and two open water dives to a maximum depth of 12m.

Upon completion of the course, a PADI license will be issued, allowing diving up to 12m under the supervision of a PADI Instructor or Divemaster.

min. age: 10 years
maks. depth: 12m

The price of 385 USD includes:

  • hotel pick-up
  • equipment rental
  • pool excercises (1 day)
  • 2 dives in open water (1 day)
  • lunch
  • PADI license


Independent diving

OWD is a course after which you will be able to dive without an instructor’s supervision to a maximum depth of 18 meters, with a partner who has at least the same qualifications.

During the course, the participant gains theoretical knowledge by learning independently from an online lessons. He also watches a training video. In the practical part, he takes part in training dives in the pool and in open waters. During the dives, the participant performs a series of exercises under the instructor’s supervision, such as clearing the mask and regulator underwater, controlling buoyancy, emergency ascent, and so on.

min. age: 10 years (children up to 15 years: Junior OWD license)
maks. depth: 18m
course duration: 3 days

The price of 480 USD includes:

  • hotel pick-up
  • equipment rental
  • 3 days of theoretical and practical classes (swimming pool and open water)
  • lunch
  • PADI license


Another step forward

The AOWD course is intended for people who have a PADI OWD basic license or an equivalent license from another organization. Training takes place only in open waters. During the course, we participate in at least five specialty dives, and these are: two deep dives (up to 30m) with underwater navigation with a compass and three dives to choose from, e.g. night, wreck, boat, underwater photography. You can choose from a whole range of specialty dives.

Szkolenie trwa minimum dwa dni, podczas których również uczestnik uczy się samodzielnie teorii z książki. Kurs AOWD polecany jest przez PADI jako uzupełnienie szkolenia podstawowego. Nie jest potrzebna żadna praktyka po skończonym kursie OWD. Wręcz przeciwnie, dla tych którzy jeszcze nie czują się zbyt pewnie po otrzymaniu licencji OWD taki kurs jest bardzo dobrym uzupełnieniem szkolenia podstawowego i najlepszym wyborem by bezpiecznie doskonalić swoje umiejętności pod okiem instruktora.

The training lasts a minimum of two days, during which the participant also learns the theory from the book on their own. The AOWD course is recommended by PADI as a supplement to basic training. No practice is needed after completing the OWD course. On the contrary, for those who still do not feel too confident after receiving the OWD license, such a course is a very good supplement to basic training and the best choice to safely improve your skills under the guidance of an instructor.

min. age: 12 years (Junior AOWD)

The price of 385 USD includes:

  • hotel pick-up
  • equipment rental
  • 5 dives
  • lunch
  • PADI license


The Rescue Diver & EFR course is the next stage of diver training who cares about the development and improvement of skills. The first stage is the Emergency First Response course. This training is required before taking the PADI Rescue Diver course.

Emergency First Response is a basic medical first aid course, including resuscitation.

The Rescue Diver course consists of theoretical classes, swimming pool and open water training. 10 emergency situations should be practiced in the pool, such as emergency ascent using an octopus or lifting an unconscious diver from the bottom. The next stage is open water diving and practice of 4 emergency scenarios, such as searching for and raising a missing and unconscious diver from the bottom. To join the Rescue course, you must have logged at least 20 dives and be at least 15 years old. The course lasts a minimum of 3 days (dives only). EFR training is conducted in one day and does not include diving.

min. age: 15 years
min. experience: at least 20 logged dives

Price 450 USD: Rescue Diver course
Price 180 USD: EFR course